International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Sofia, Bulgaria, International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2017

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Janko Slavič, Marko Mihalec, Jaka Javh, Miha Boltežar

Last modified: 2017-05-25


The development in high-speed cameras and digital image processing have opened new opportunities in the identification of structural response. For digital image processing, the digital image correlation approach is tyipically used; however, simplified optical flow approach was recently presented as very promising for experimental modal analysis.
In structural dynamics, the damping is experimentally hard to identify and also the source of relatively high uncertainty in the numerical models. This study researches the applicability of the Morlet Wave damping identification method with the optical flow approach. At low signal to noise ratio the performance of the Morlet Wave method is comparable to the Continuous Wavelet transform; however, the Morlet Wave approach is both numerically efficient and is not exposed to the edge-effect. The damping of an impact-excited free-free beam was experimentally researched. The results show that the full field experimental identification of damping with the Morlet Wave method and the simplified optical flow approach is feasible and applicable to real structures.