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Dynamics of Nonlinear Waves in the Tubes Filled with Aerosol
Last modified: 2017-11-10
In the present work, the results of experimental investigations of nonlinear oscillations of a finely dispersed aerosol in a tube with a various geometry on the end in shock-wave, shock-free wave modes and in a mode transition to the shock waves near the resonance frequency are presented. Di-ethyl-hexyl-sebacate was applied in these experiments as a test fluid. The aerosol was generated from this fluid using aerosol generator. The time dependences of the numerical concentration of the oscillating aerosol droplets are presented. The effect of the frequency and amplitude of piston displacement and the influence of the diaphragm internal diameter on the time coagulation and sedimentation of aerosol were studied. The time coagulation and sedimentation of aerosol decrease with an increase in the intensity of oscillations caused by an increase in the amplitude of piston displacement and with an increase in the internal diameter of the diaphragm at the passive end of the tube. This time decrease reaches its minimum value in the case of an open tube. The dependence of the time coagulation and sedimentation of aerosol on the excitation frequency was found to be of a nonmonotonic character with the minimum value upon the resonance frequency. The time coagulation and sedimentation of the aerosol in the closed tube in the shock-wave mode (for large amplitudes of displacement piston) on subharmonic resonances, at the shock-free mode and in the transition to shock-wave mode (for small amplitudes of displacement piston) near fundamental resonances are up to 5 times less, than at a natural sedimentation. In an open tube, natural sedimentation lasts up to 12 times more slowly, than in the shock-free mode, lasts up to 18 times more slowly than in the transition to shock-wave mode and lasts up to 30 times more slowly than in the shock-wave mode. Note that the time coagulation and sedimentation of the aerosol differs by 1.5 times in the shock-free mode and at the transition to shock-wave mode with almost identical exaltation amplitude.