

MS 01. Mitigation of Vibrations of Mechanical and Structural Systems

Corresponding Organizer: Przemyslaw Perlikowski, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz Poland, E-mail:

Co-Organizer: Daniil Yurchenko, School of Engineering & Physical Sciences; Mechanical Engineering Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, E-mail:

One of the first device used for mitigation of vibrations of mechanical and structural systems was proposed by Frahm in 1909, it was called a tuned mass damper (TMD). It is a linear oscillator which consists of a mass and linear spring with the same natural frequency as the damped system. Since then, more than 100 years of the extensive development of this type of devices have passed. There are a lot of modifications of the classical passive TMD, most of which have important practical applications, i.e., to prevent damage of buildings due to seismic excitation, to suppress vibration of tall buildings subjected to wind, to achieve the best properties of cutting processes, to mitigate vibration of floors or balconies, to reach stable rotations of rotors or to stabilize drill strings and many more. Simultaneously, with improving the TMD, the device called tuned mass absorber (TMA) has been proposed. In TMA the linear oscillator is replaced by a pendulum. As the natural frequency of a pendulum depends only on its length, TMA is much easier to tune in practical applications. There are also lots of efforts to improve properties of TMD and TMA by adding control (hybrid, semi-active and active systems), introduce new elements (inerter) or change of device characteristic to non-linear (non-linear springs and dampers, interaction via impacts and friction).

This mini-symposium will focus on the recent and novel contributions devoted to mitigation of systems’ vibrations. We warmly welcome papers focused on theoretical and practical aspects (new design, control, bifurcation analysis, new applications, operating under harsh condition etc.).


MS 02. Nonlinear Oscillations and Controls of Mechanical, Civil, Aerospace and Naval Structures


Jose M. Balthazar , Aeronautical Institute of Technology, Brazil, e-mail:

Paulo Batista Goncalves , Pontifical Catholic Univ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail:

Elżbieta Jarzębowska , Warsaw Institute of Technology ,Poland, e-mail:

The aim of this mini-symposium is to gather specialists of different areas working on the analysis of nonlinear dynamics and stability of lumped and continuous systems with emphasis on mechanical, civil, aerospace and naval structures.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, material and structural instabilities, non-linear bifurcations, use of new materials in control, nano and micro structures, bioengineering applications, large spatial structures, new materials for structures in hazardous environments, global bifurcations, evolution, erosion and stratification of basins of attraction, influence of global bifurcations on the integrity of structural systems, basin boundary topology, multi-well system, dynamic instability, random bifurcations and basins of attraction, reduced-order modeling and its application in global dynamics, numerical methods for the analysis of global bifurcations, influence of global dynamics on control, including control of chaos and modern asymptotic methods in global dynamics.

Papers are solicited in all areas related to theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of the problem.


MS 03. Modelling, Methodologies and Engineering Applications of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems


Qingjie Cao, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China; E-mail:

Marian Wiercigroch, University of Aberdeen, UK; e-mail:

Li-Qun Chen, Shanghai University, China; e-mail:

Nonlinear dynamical systems can exhibit complex behaviours which need to be assessed from the point of view short and long term stability.  Phenomena such as chaos, bifurcations, uncertainty and co-existence of attractors contribute to stability and they occur in many engineering and physical systems. The aim of this Mini Symposium to provide a discussion platform for theoreticians and practitioners researching nonlinear dynamics of various engineering systems.

The topics of this Mini Symposium include but are not limited to:

·         Modelling and analysis of strongly nonlinear systems

·         Stability, bifurcations and chaos in engineering systems

·         Analytical, approximate and numerical methods of nonlinear dynamics.



MS 04. Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads: Modelling and Analysis

Organised by:

Piotr Koziol, Chair of Rail & Air Transport Infrastructure, Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland e-mails:;

Zuzana Dimitrovová, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and LAETA, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal e-mails:;

New developments in transportation require appropriate analysis of dynamic behaviour of structures allowing for reliable prediction of possible scenario related to operational systems. Increase of velocity, prevention of surroundings against noise and vibrations, vibration mitigation, cost reduction, improvement of heavy transport and others are the main concerns appearing in construction of safer, more comfortable and cheaper transport. One can still observe a lack of satisfactory answers to questions formulated by scientists and engineers. New modelling approaches, accompanied by numerical simulations and experimental validations, are needed for better representation of real structures dynamic phenomena and for prediction of the operational conditions.

This session aims at bringing together academic scientists and industry researchers dedicating their investigations to solutions related to analysis of dynamic systems behaviour, with special emphasis on transportation structures. It covers a broad research area from simple models to applications, analytical modelling, numerical simulations, design, experimental measurements and optimization. Interdisciplinary ideas regarding physical problems appearing in constructions subjected to dynamic excitations (mainly due to moving loads) are welcome in this session.

The session will focus on, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Mathematical modelling of vibrations induced by moving loads
  • Vibrations and noise generated by rail and road transportation
  • Track-soil and vehicle-track dynamic interactions
  • Rail track dynamic behaviour analysis
  • High velocity and high frequency investigations
  • Optimization techniques for vibration problems
  • Wave propagation in layered and multilayered media
  • Ground-born vibrations
  • Environmental vibrations
  • Vibration reduction
  • Mitigation of traffic induced vibrations
  • Nonlinear models and stochastic methods in dynamics
  • Approximation and estimation techniques
  • Measurements and experimental validation
  • Railway safety and passengers comfort
  • Recent developments for hybrid energy vehicles



MS 05. Dynamics of Composite and Smart Structures

Jerzy Warminski, Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, Poland, e-mail:

Stefano Lenci, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy, e-mail:

Krzysztof Marynowski, Division of Dynamics, Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, Poland,

The aim of the symposium “Dynamics of composite and smart structures” is to address recent developments and state-of-the-art of research and applications of flexible composite structures or structures with embedded active elements considering their nonlinear or linear models demonstrating novel interesting phenomena.

Theoretical and experimental contributions to composite structures with thermo-mechanical loadings, delamination problems, beams, plates or shells, active structures with application to aerospace, mechanical or civil engineering are invited.

Topics of interests are nonlinear or linear oscillations (quasi-periodic, periodic, chaotic), stability, bifurcation and chaos analysis, active control, analytical and semi-analytical methods, damage identification within structural health monitoring, model reduction techniques, experimental testing, design and optimization.


MS 06. Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS & NEMS


Najib Kacem, University of Franche-Comté / FEMTO-ST Institute, France;

Fehmi Najar, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, TUNISIA · Email:

The objective of this symposium is to advance the state of the art in the design, analysis, characterization, and control of dynamic Micro and Nano systems.

Original contributions are solicited on advances in the dynamics of MEMS and NEMS sensors and actuators.

Specifically, theoretical and experimental contributions that address any of the following areas are sought:

  • Modeling and Model Validation,
  • Measurement Techniques,
  • Device Characterization and System Identification,
  • Novel Control Strategies,
  • Fluid-Solid Interaction,
  • Damping Phenomena,
  • Stiction and Contact Dynamics,
  • Non-smooth Dynamics,
  • Uncertainty Quantification,
  • Nonlinear Phenomena, such as Chaotic Dynamics, Fractal Behavior, Parametric Excitation, Self-Excitation, and Nonlinear Interaction.
  • Collective Behaviors, such as Localization and Synchronization
  • Application-specific papers are also encouraged, from all fields of engineering and science,
  • including but not limited to:
  • Accelerometers and gyroscopes,
  • Mass and gas sensors,
  • Atomic force microscopes,
  • Electrostatic and electromagnetic actuators,
  • IF and RF filters switches,
  • Mirrors and scanners,
  • Microphones and micropumps,
  • CNT-based devices



MS 07. Vibration of Beams, Plates and Shells, from Nano to Macro


Pedro Ribeiro, Faculdade de Engenharia da Univ do Porto, Portugal, e-mail:,

Paulo Gonçalves, Pontifical Catholic Univ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail:,

Olivier Thomas, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, France. e-mail:,

The objective of this symposium is to promote the presentation and discussion of recent achievements related to the analysis of vibrations of beams, plates and shells. The advances can be new aspects in more traditional materials, or research on issues regarding recently developed materials, ranging from the nano to the macro scale. Recent developments related to modelling, experiments and applications are of interest.

The topics of the symposium include, always related to vibrations of beams, plates or shells, the following:

  • Advances in the Differential Quadrature Method
  • Advances in Finite Elements
  • Applications to aeronautics
  • Applications to wind engineering
  • Applications to sensing, actuation and energy harvesting
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Couple stress theories
  • Functionally graded materials
  • Graphene and carbon nanotube reinforced composites
  • Graphene sheets
  • Hierarchical modelling
  • Molecular dynamics
  • Non-local theories
  • Surface effects
  • Variable stiffness composite laminates



MS 08. Nonlinearity and Stochasticity in Vibrating Systems


Sayan Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India,
Przemislaw Perlikowski, Lodz University of Technology, Poland,

The presence of nonlinearities affects the dynamical characteristics significantly often leading to abrupt changes in the behavior at different parameter regimes. It is therefore essential to accurately model and analyse the system. Unfortunately, developing mathematical models for the system involves assumptions and approximations about the parameters and forces and simplifications of the system model. Hence, uncertainties appear and propagate into the analysis and affect the predictions. There is therefore a need to develop methods that incorporate the effects of both stochasticity and nonlinearity into the analysis for accurate predictions. This mini symposium will provide an opportunity to discuss new ideas in this field, with emphasis on, but not limited to development of algorithms for stochastic nonlinear analysis, stochastic analysis of complex structures, stochastic reduced order modeling, stochastic bifurcations and uncertainty quantification in coupled problems.


MS 09. Vibration in Mechanical and Biomechanical Systems


Rafal Rusinek , Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland, e-mail:


The focus of this mini-symposium is placed on new developments and interesting results in the vibration theory and its applications in mechanical and biomechanical systems. A special attention is devoted to dynamics of cutting process, middle ear mechanics and application of shape memory elements in various scale mechanical and biomechanical systems.

The scope of the mini-symposium includes broad spectrum of topics - starting from mechanical engineering systems through mechatronics to micro and biomechanical ones. Papers of theoretical, experimental and applied nature which contain recent and ongoing research are welcome as well as papers of multi-disciplinary nature.

Contributions on the vibrations theory may include: stability problem - definitions and criteria, bifurcations, limit cycles, transition and other non-steady effects, quasi-periodic interaction, basins of attractors, maps, chaotic processes, etc..


MS 10. Modelling of Friction and Dynamics of Frictional Oscillators


Andrzej Stefański, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland. e-mail:

Yang Liu,  University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom. e-mail:

General matter of the mini-symposium covers two main trends. First of them is a problem of multi-scale modelling of the friction process, both in context of physical and phenomenological models, including such phenomena accompanying the friction process as:

  • hysteretic effects – local and non-local hysteresis loops,
  • contact compliance,
  • frictional memory effect,
  • non-reversibility of friction characteristics, etc.

On the other hand, the theme of the symposium complements issues concerning the research of frictional oscillators:

  • stability and coexistence of the system attractors,
  • stick-slip transition,
  • bifurcations and routes to chaos,
  • dynamics and synchronization of coupled frictional oscillators, etc.

Frames of the mini-symposium also include questions related to the impact of lubrication on the process of friction in mechanical and engineering systems.


MS 11. Active Vibration Control


Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, e-mail:

Bram Cornelis, Siemens Industry Software NV, Leuven, Belgium, e-mail:

The aim of the symposium “Active vibration control” is to address recent developments in active vibration control with applications in civil, aerospace, automotive and marine engineering. This mini-symposium covers all aspects of vibration control using smart materials and structures. Contributions on theoretical, numerical or experimental issues for modelling, design, and characterization of smart systems for control are welcome. Potential topics include: (i) active, semi-active and hybrid control strategies; (ii) feedback and feedforward control; (iii) applications using piezoelectric materials, electromagnetic, etc...

The mini-symposium is organized as an industrial workshop in the frame of the FP7 Marie Curie ANTARES ITN project, which focuses on the development of energy efficient mechatronic solutions through advanced active noise and vibration control strategies.


MS 12.  Nonlinear Effects in Broadband Energy Harvesting from Mechanical Vibrations


Grzegorz Litak,  Lublin University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland, e-mail:

Benjamin Ducharne, Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Ferroélectricité, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, France, e-mail:

Energy harvesting (EH) is the process of scavenging of ambient energy which would be otherwise lost to the surrounding environment. The derived energy is usually converted into electricity to power small and wireless autonomous devices, like those used in wearable electronics and wireless sensor networks, or stored in batteries. Completely wireless sensor systems are desirable for ease of deployment and maintenance, and this can only be accomplished by using batteries and/or harvested energy. The harvested energy can be used either directly to power the system, or to recharge a storage device such as a battery, thus extending its operational lifetime. Over the past decade, EH has grown into a significant discipline within the engineering and scientific community. There has been an increasing interest of researchers and industry in EH systems in recent years to obtain electrical energy from ambient energy sources, such as mechanical excitations. Nonlinearities in EH systems increase the range of excitation frequency for efficient energy harvesting via so called a broadband effect.   


MS 13. New Trends in Analytical Approaches to Nonlinear Vibration


Nicolae Herisanu . Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania. e-mail:

 Generally, analytical approaches offer a deeper view inside the nature of the phenomena than numerical approaches. Starting from the reality that some classical analytical approaches fail in case of strong nonlinearity or for large amplitude of vibration, there is a need to develop new and effective methods and approaches which would be valid even in such cases. In this way, recently, new methods and improvements of old methods were reported and scientists are continuously concerned to overcome existing shortcomings in this research direction.

The main aim of this mini-symposium is to address recent and novel contributions devoted to developing analytical approaches to nonlinear vibration of mechanical systems. A special attention is devoted to strong nonlinearities or large amplitude of vibration.


MS 14. Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring Data Analysis and Time Series Methods


Irina Trendafilova , University of Strathclyde ,Glasgow,  Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. e-mail:

David Garcia ,  University of Strathclyde ,Glasgow, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Vibration-based structural health monitoring has been around for more than 50 years. There are a number of VSHM methods that have been developed including methods for specific applications. Some VSHM methods use a model of the healthy and/or the damaged structure. A lot of the methods which are recently developed use a completely data-driven methodology. Such methods do not assume any model or linearity they treat the vibration signals as data or as time series and the damage diagnosis is based on characteristics and conclusion derived from the data or time series analysis. This mini-symposium targets to bring together  researchers and research papers which use data analysis and/or time series methods for the purposes of VSHM. It aims to inspire discussions on the advantages ,the limitations and the challenges of such methods. It welcomes research on the utilization of different data analysis methods including , but not limited to,e.g.  principal component analysis (PCA), AR modelling, factor analysis, descriptive statistics , smoothing/noise cancellation for the purposes of damage diagnosis from vibration measurements.  The mini symposium also targets papers on the application of time series analysis and characteristics including linear and nonlinear time series analysis and characteristics for the purposes of damage detection, localization , quantification  and/or damage prognosis.


MS 15. Wave Mechanics: Generation and Propagation of Waves in Fluids, Solids and Structures


Apostolos Tsouvalas, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, e-mail:

Andrei V. Metrikine, Departments of Structural and Hydraulic Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, e-mail:

This mini-symposium will cover theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of wave generation and propagation in solids, fluids and structures. Pioneering experimental and theoretical results on linear and nonlinear, body, surface and guided waves in solids and structures will be the most welcome for our audience. We are looking for contributions devoted to mathematical and physical modelling of waves inspired by various applications in applied sciences and engineering fields. Specifically, theoretical and experimental contributions that address any of the following areas are most welcome:

·             Non-destructive material characterisation based on acoustic techniques;

·             Numerical simulations of wave generation and propagation in solids and fluids;

·             Analytical and semi-analytical formulations in wave mechanics;

·             Dynamic soil-structure interaction and wave propagation in unbounded and bounded media;

·             Dynamic fluid-structure interaction problems;

·             Structure-borne wave radiation;

·             Wave propagation in elastic, acousto-elastic, and porous layered media;

·             Linear and non-linear wave propagation problems;

·             Impact dynamics and shock waves;

·             Seismic waves.


MS 16. Vibration and Control in Downhole Drilling Processes

Corresponding Organiser:

Marian Wiercigroch, Centre for Applied Dynamics Research, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK; E-mail:


Vahid Vaziri and Marcin Kapitaniak, Centre for Applied Dynamics Research, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK; E-mails: and

A rich source of complex dynamical phenomena in engineering is a drilling process, where a borehole is being created by applying a torque and an axial force on a drill-bit. The most complex drilling processes take place in oil & gas drilling, where  length of the borehore can as long as few miles and the drill-bit is attached a structure called a drill-string. A drill-sting is comprised of a Bottom Hole Assembly attached to a drill-bit and drill-pipes. Typically, a drill-string is extremely slender and it is controlled only by tension and torque to follow a target trajectory. This structure experiences severe complex and coupled vibration including axial, torsional and lateral resulting in bit bounce, slick-slip and whirling.

This minisymposium aims to bring together academics and engineers working in drilling engineering industries to examine the state-of-the-art in academia and industry. The topics include but they are not limited to:

·         Modelling and analysis of drill-string and BHA

·         Experimental investigations and data analysis

·         Active and passive vibration control